eternally optimistic
law school bound
dreamer by day
lover of heels, books, coffee, & cardigans

28 March 2011

First Pure Sequencing Problem

In order to be fully prepared, I have started the 2 month plan as set out by Steve , writer of I just finished my first Pure Sequencing question. I tried last night, but I was so tired and I wasn’t making sense, so I went to bed. Tonight, I tried again and was much more successful. I always find explanations to be helpful, even when I didn't struggle with the problem. In his explanation, he mapped out the explanation EXACTLY the way I did. I find it incredibly reassuring that I am inherently reasoning through these problems the same way a professional does. Maybe everyone maps out their rules the way I do, but I feel pretty darn special.

Steve makes studying a little easier. His blog has a little humor and a lot of empathy and appreciation for the hard work that studying is.

Here's a link to his explanation:

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