eternally optimistic
law school bound
dreamer by day
lover of heels, books, coffee, & cardigans

26 March 2011

LSAT Retake for the Last Time...again

This week, I was accepted to SIU School of Law, which is my top choice because of cost, bar passage rate, student-faculty ratio, cost, commitment to service, the ever-beautiful location of Carbondale, and…well, cost. My undergraduate student loan debt is painfully high and I cannot bear the thought of adding more to that pile. Truthfully, I think I may be at the student loan debt limit for most private lending institutions. I hate those dang student loans. I am forever thankful for them, but they have a special place in my hate vault. This year, however, private loans will be unnecessary! My expected family contribution is $000.00!!! That deserves a “Hallelujah!” and a “Finally!” My EFC and the low, low, low cost of living in Carbondale will make financing my dreams easier than ever! Furthermore, I have been offered a well-deserved scholarship that will cover most of tuition. It was suggested that I retake the LSAT in order to earn a full-tuition scholarship, so my spare time (not that I have much) for the next three months has just been filled. See you June 6th, LSAT. See you June 7th, World.

I only have the two books pictured for now. I plan to buy the Logical Reasoning Bible, Logic Games Bible, and tests 48-60ish. I should have had these books from previous preparations, but I did not put forth as much energy as I should have. Now I'm paying for it. I promised myself that I would only take the LSAT twice no matter what. I should have also promised myself to try my best and hardest.

"If you can do a half-assed job of anything, you're a one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind."--Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard. At least I've got one eye.

xoxo mal

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