eternally optimistic
law school bound
dreamer by day
lover of heels, books, coffee, & cardigans

02 April 2011

Maybe Libraries Aren't for Studying

The other day I went to the library to study.  I had my handy book of prep tests and I was ready to s.t.u.d.y.!  I settled into a cozy section of the public library and got right to work.  I performed decently, but as I was checking my answers, I noticed a guy sitting on the floor between two book stacks near me.  I had an instinct that he wasn’t reading, but ignored it for a little while.  I took another test and when I was done, he was still sitting there.  I watched him for a while and realized that he wasn’t enthralled by a novel like I assumed.  I knew this because he was easily distracted—looking over his shoulder when there was a noise; looking toward the aisle when someone walked past.  I then saw his chin lowering toward the ground.  Not like he was looking down, but like he was peering below the bottom shelf, straight ahead towards me.  I was wearing a dress and became nervous, so I put my coat over my legs.  Not more than 30 seconds later, he put his book on the shelf and left.

I was frozen in disbelief for a few seconds, then realized that I wanted to see where he was going.  I watched him walk down the stairs and look up at me.  I gave him the, “If I ever catch you looking at me again, I’ll slit your neck” look…or whatever angry face I could muster.  I felt absolutely violated and was shaking a bit.  I probably looked confused and frightened.

 I looked at the book he was reading (pictured).  Definitely a pervert.  Thank goodness I have intuition…and that I sit like a lady.

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