eternally optimistic
law school bound
dreamer by day
lover of heels, books, coffee, & cardigans

07 January 2012

Salvation Army Finds

I found some great things at the Salvation Army the other day.  I went looking for some red yarn to make a red hat to match my red gloves OR to find some cute teacups and tins to create homemade candles.  No luck.

However, I did find a great mustard and cream woven blanket.  It has a large ink stain right in the middle, but I figure I can cover it with some pretty fabric or lace.  I'm sure it will be pretty obvious that I'm covering something, but it's such a nice blanket.

I found a pretty picture in a nice sturdy frame, but I can't figure out who painted it.  It's an impressionist painting of a woman laying in a hammock.  She's so delicate.  I've searched and searched and just cannot figure it out. I even tore off the paper backing to see if there was some writing or a treasure map.  There was neither.

Sad times:  Somehow the coin purse I bought didn't make it into the extremely large bag AND the silver platter I was so proud to find actually isn't silver.  EP Brass, whatever that is.  The interwebs says that it's electroplated brass.  whatever.

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